Users of routers equipped with these features swear by it, and after using it myself and comparing it directly against other routers, I understand why: DumaOS puts gaming at the center of a way no other router manufacturer has managed, making the experience remains intuitive without being offensive to those who know their way around a piece of wireless networking hardware. If everything is correct, you will see a message in green that it's connected.Netgear’s partnership with NetDuma has ensured that the gaming experience on routers like the Nighthawk Pro Gaming XR500 or the more recent Wi-Fi 6 XR1000 is arguably the best in the business, thanks in no small part to Duma OS features that aim to reduce lag and provide stable connections to game servers.Now enter the Surfshark service credentials that you collected in the first step.Go back to the VPN configuration page on your router and paste the copied text to the Config area.Open it as a text file using Notepad and copy the whole text. To do that, find the server configuration file you downloaded from our website in the second step.You will now need to enter the configuration settings of our server to the Config area.Scroll down to the bottom of that page where you will see a VPN client configuration area.You will see all devices connected to this router choose which ones you wish to route via a VPN tunnel. Log in to your Netduma R1 router by entering your router IP address into the URL bar on your browser.If you wish to connect to Germany, download Germany - Berlin or Germany - Nuernberg server by clicking on the location and then on UDP to download the configuration file. You will need an OpenVPN configuration file for your location of choice.Make sure you selected the Files tab where you will see all of the Surfshark servers.It's the same page where the Surfshark service credentials are stored. You will need these credentials a bit later. It is a good idea to keep this page open for now. You will find the Surfshark service credentials there. In that case, enter your email address and your password, then click Log in. You may need to log in before proceeding to this page.You will find all of the details required for a manual connection there. Here is how to find your Surfshark service credentials: You'll need Surfshark service credentials to connect to the VPN using a manual OpenVPN configuration. If you don't have the subscription yet, you can get it here. To proceed, you will need a Netduma R1 router and an active Surfshark subscription. This article will show you how to set up your Netduma R1 router with the OpenVPN protocol.